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Contact Us

Contact Us

PlumBenefits is committed to providing our customers with a world-class experience from start to finish.

We have dedicated customer service representatives available to answer any questions you may have and to assist you with your travel and entertainment needs.

For real time assistance, please call us for the following:
- Date specific purchase is scheduled within the next three days
- Hotel reservations with a cancellation window or check-in date that occurs within the next 24 hours.

For Airfare Reservations: 1-866-719-5243
For All Other Inquiries: 1-877-868-7758
Local/International: (212) 660-1888

Help and Support

For other inquiries, please feel free to complete the following contact form:

Contact Form

* Your Order ID allows us to better facilitate your request. Please find it on the upper right-hand side of your order confirmation email received at time of purchase. If you are not inquiring about an existing order, please enter N/A.
(Please tell us how we can help you)

Customer Service

For Airfare Reservations:
For All Other Inquiries: